Closing Out Another Year with OnSite Dental DFW

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We can all attest that 2021 has been a challenging year. Many of us are still finding balance with the changes Covid-19 brought our way. These challenges have been in work, in travel, in social distancing, and in the ongoing pursuit of protecting our health and the health of our loved ones. For many of you, it brought on the change of moving a mom or dad into an assisted living or memory care community. And we want you to know you are not alone in this change. We are here with you and more available than ever to help you navigate through some of those changes, especially as it comes to their oral health. The biggest change for OnSite Dental DFW this past year is that we are now a full-time mobile dental provider. Going full-time has allowed us to dedicate more days during the week to providing our mobile dental services. It has allowed us the necessary time it takes to connect with new communities and new families within the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We are now available more than ever to meet the ongoing dental emergency calls as they continue to present, allowing a faster turnaround to relieve pain and discomfort in the geriatric community.  Looking back at this year, we have so many success stories of families who called on us for their loved ones and received the care they so desperately needed, as they otherwise would not have been able to attain with the social distancing concerns. We have met many new residents and their families that have been comforted by the care we have provided for their loved ones. We have been welcomed into new communities and have been able to provide care to those that are home bound as well.  We have committed more of our time to reach out to many senior living, assisted living, and home health care communities across North Texas that may not currently have a dental provider. As we head into this new year of 2022, we at OnSite Dental DFW join you in making the best of the changes 2021 brought with it. We will continue to put our geriatric residents first in all we do with continued commitment to protecting their health by following the CDC guidelines to keep them as safe as possible during their dental visit. Afterall, they are the reason we are here. We will continue to provide excellent geriatric dental care to those who can no longer leave the comforts of their homes to find a dentist they can trust. Dr. Trevino and his staff will continue to bring the soft touch and the compassionate care it takes to serve our geriatric community, keeping them at ease and in the comforts of their own surroundings. Our team at OnSite Dental DFW continues to be on your side as we leave one year behind and walk into the next with hopes bigger and brighter than can be imagined. Give us a call today and Julie will greet you and discuss our services and scheduling of your loved one. So, from OnSite Dental DFW to you and your loved ones, we are wishing you all a very Happy New Year in 2022!!!!

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